My Own 2001 Space Odyssey Synchs
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My 2001 Space Odyssey Synchs

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Wish You Were Here after the 2001 Intermission
Start Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here album at the first shot of the ship, after the intermission halfway through the movie. This one is extremely good. The song to song transitions are spectacular and the light sequence during the Jupiter section is awesome. This one could possibly be a classic one day.

Alternate starting point 1: Start Wish You Were Here at the screen that reads "Intermission."

Alternate starting point 2: Start Wish You Were Here at the first flash of Dave's humming devise as he is going out to retrieve Frank, who has been cut out into space by HAL.(this scene is about 10-15 minutes after the "Intermission" screen.

A Momentary Lapse of 2001 Space Odyssey
Start Pink Floyd's album, A Momentary Lapse of Reason, at the beginning of the dvd (track 1, 0:00) or the first shot of black screen. Track two (Learning to Fly) should come in as the words "2001 Space Odyssey" start fading. Follow along with the album's words to understand the synch's full potential. This synch almost seems intentional, you be the judge.