Back to Oz
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My 2001 Space Odyssey Synchs

The Ultimate Fantasia Synch with Meddle

Greased Out of Time

DSOTM and Casper

Back to Oz

Animals Now

Clash of the Atom Heart Titans

My Favorite Synchs

Karl's Synchronicity Page

How I Came Up With This Sync
After going through my little sister's movie collection, I came across the animated Journey Back to Oz. At first, I tried putting some atypical syncing albums to the cartoon...but to no avail. With hesitation, I put in the old tried and true syncing album, DSOTM. Much to my dismay, the sync worked.

How to Set It Up
To do the sync, start Dark Side of the Moon (track 1) when the first Warner Brother's shield stops flying (i.e. is vertical). You will know it has been done right if the chickens enter the hen-house with the first scream on the album.

Some Things to Keep in Mind
I believe that this sync is worth watching because it is very deja vuish. Once again, Dark Side ends when Dorothy comes into contact with the tinman (this is the only spoiler I'll give). Hope you watch and enjoy it.