The Ultimate Fantasia Synch
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The Ultimate Fantasia Synch with Meddle

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The Components
This synch uses Pink Floyd's album Meddle with the Disney classic Fantasia. I found this synch about 3-4 years ago after incorrectly trying to find a synch involving the two. This one is fantastic (no pun intended).

The Setup
Depending on which version of the movie you have (cannot be Fantasia 2000 or the uncut DVD version, it must be the original on video), the setup can vary. Essentially, you want to start the album on track one so that the opening single echoeing bass note is heard as the curtains open up at the beginning of the movie. It may take several tries to get the timing right, but it is really worth it. You can also (and I recommend that you do) repeat the album 3 times. I really like it in the first play through when the solo in the song Echoes goes along with the Sorcerer's Apprentice section extremely well...almost looks and sounds intentional. To do the repeat, just restart the album everytime that it goes all the way through. The repeats are not automatic startovers. The next time I rent Fantasia, I will record the starting points for the 2nd and 3rd playthroughs so they can be seen. The second playthrough is especially interesting. As of right now, this is in my favorite top five synchs of all time (probably number one at this point). I really hope that if you don't look at any of my other synchs, that you at least try this one.